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Begin your real estate sale ahead of the curve

Selling a house or condominium in the Chicago area can bring unexpected obstacles and a tight timeline.

The countdown to closing begins the moment you accept a buyer’s offer. In a short time (often five days or less), you’ll need to hire a real estate lawyer, gather documents, verify ownership, negotiate contingencies, deal with inspection issues, prepare to move, and more. And that’s on top of your day job.

That's why we offer a better way

Use our exclusive Fast-Track Sales Plan to avoid mistakes, minimize surprises, and escape preventable closing delays.

Start now, before you even have a buyer

Sell your home quickly and efficiently from the best possible position. We’ll pinpoint potential legal issues and other sticking points early in the process—before they endanger your closing. The cost is only $150, which can be applied towards our closing fee.

The Fast-Track Sales Plan helps you:

  • Negotiate better contracts and agreements
  • Eliminate contract mistakes and loopholes
  • Anticipate issues before they become problems
  • Cut through red tape and prevent delays
  • Reduce closing costs
  • Stay better informed than your buyer
  • Be prepared to make quick decisions